CR Interiorismo is the commercial brand under which the services offered by Carmen Rodríguez Rodríguez with NIF: 08912826G and address in Marbella (Málaga) are brought together.
In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that:
Its trade name is CR Interiorismo
His NIF is 08912826G
Its registered office is at: Hacienda de Nagüeles, 1 – 29.602 Marbella (Málaga). Here you can exercise your rights of Access, Rectification,
Cancellation and Opposition, as well as any own exercise related to the transfer of data through this web space.
The services offered by CR Interiorismo are those related to the performance of Comprehensive Building Services, Rehabilitation, Installations and Maintenance.
Confidentiality of the information obtained on this website
CR Interiorismo and its network of collaborators undertake not to disclose or make use of the information to which they have accessed by reason of their profession, as provided in article 5 of the Code of Ethics of Spanish Lawyers. The information provided by the client will, in any case, be considered confidential, and may not be used for purposes other than those related to the services contracted from CR Interiorismo.
Data communications to third parties
In order to satisfy your request or request for information, it may be necessary for your Data to be communicated by CR Interiorismo to the other collaborators necessary for the correct development of the different services. The transfer of data will always be pertinent and not excessive, and legislative compliance with regard to data protection will be ensured throughout the process.
Data of minors
CR Interiorismo will never collect data from minors nor will it record and process them.
CR Interiorismo disclaims any liability for failure to comply with this requirement as well as any fraudulent data provision.
When browsing our web pages, the internet servers will store your IP address in the access logs automatically and with the sole purpose of allowing internet transit, it being necessary for your computer to provide this IP address when you browse the internet so that communications can take place.
Your IP address will be used to compile statistics on the number of visitors to this website and their origin in a way that is completely transparent to your browsing.
Intellectual and/or industrial property
The entirety of this website, that is, the elements that make it up (texts, images, brands, logos, audio files, software files, color combinations), as well as the structure, selection and order of its contents, are protected by the regulations of Intellectual and Industrial Property, and may not be the subject of exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, transfer or transformation or any other form of dissemination not expressly authorized. CR Interiorismo reserves the right to exercise the corresponding legal actions against users who violate or infringe intellectual and/or industrial property rights.
Intellectual and/or industrial property
CR Interiorismo is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and of which another source is indicated, for which reason it does not assume any responsibility in terms of hypothetical damages that could originate from the use of said information.
Cookies policy
Read the space provided for this information.
Hacienda de Nagüeles Complex, Phase I Ashmawi Boulevard, 29602, Marbella, Málaga